María Rodríguez Pérez (orcid: 0000-0002-9949-5861) obtained her Ph.D. in 2014 (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain), in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Area, studying the biological functions of s-resistin and its connection to insulin resistance. In 2016, she received in Salamanca (Spain) the Margarita Lorenzo National Research Award given by the Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Her postdoctoral stay was in the research group of Professor Giles Yeo (2017, Cambridge University, UK) where she worked in the Metabolic Research Laboratories, in the Addenbrooke´s Hospital. Since 2021, she got a permanent position at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Biochemistry at the UCLM, in Toledo. Her research has been focused on obesity, diabetes type 2 and insulin resistance but now, she is working in the study of the importance of polyphenols in illnesses like Alzheimer´s disease.