The Foundation for Wine and Nutrition Research (FIVIN), based in Spain and created in 1992, has focused its activities on the appraisal, from a scientific point of view, of the possible healthy effects of the moderate wine consumption in the framework of the Mediterranean Diet.

FIVIN carries out a continuous effort researching and compiling scientific information, always under the supervision of a scientific committee formed by doctors of national and international recognized prestige. Therefore, FIVIN promotes the benefits associated with moderate wine consumption among the general population, always with the guarantee of an up to date scientific-medical knowledge.

FIVIN defends that moderate consumption of wine during meals favors the health based on the concept of “moderate and responsible consumption”, which results from drinking enough wine daily to take advantage of its beneficial effects, without being detrimental to health.

We have a pioneer global database in scientific compilation around wine and health

In addition, we are supported by almost 2000 doctors through the FIVIN Club, a club for professionals within the Health sector. A Club, which freely gathers all professional people as medical doctors, pharmacist, nutritionist, nurses, all of them interested in widening their knowledge on the beneficial effects of the moderate wine consumption on health, and wine lovers. Free inscription request:

For further information about FIVIN or Club FIVIN write to