The congress “2nd Science & Wine World Congress. Wine and Olive Oil Production: The Fluid Aspect of Mediterranean Diet” occurred online 2 to 3 June 2021. In view of the pandemic situation caused by COVID-19 it was an online meeting. The program allowed to discuss the more recent achievement in the research field regarding wine and olive oil production and their importance on the Mediterranean Diet.
- Almost 50 participants
- 25 Oral communications
- Biggest Portuguese coffee-break
- MDPI Prize of 500€ to the best oral communication
- miRNA and RNA Analysis
- Plant Breeding Methods
- Plant Genome Sequencing
- Epigenetics
- Pathogen Detection and Analysis
- Disease and Stress Resistance
TRACK 2: Advances in Mediterranean diet research
- Managing Big Data and Technology
- Biochemical and Molecular Advances
- Monitoring and Evaluation of Nutrition and Food Security
- Models for the Industry of the Future
TRACK 3: Nanotechnology
- Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Sciences
- Biotechnology
- Plant Morphology and Plant Metabolism
- Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
- Agriculture Nanotechnology
TRACK 4: Nutrition, health and lifestyle
- Nutrition and Health
- Nutritional Epidemiology
- Nutricosmetics
- Prebiotic and Probiotics
- Geriatric Nutrition
- Sports Nutrition
- Nutritional Therapy and Treatments
- Nutrigenetics, Nutrigenomics, Epigenetics & Pharmacogenetics
- Multi-omics Approaches
- Personalised Nutrition & Personalised Medicine
- Diet and the Gut microbiome
- Translational Aspects and the Future of Medicine
- Joint Academic-Industrial Research and Development
- Infrastructures, Tools and Framework Conditions for Cooperation and Knowledge Transfer
- Best Practices
- Education: Balance between Theory and Practice
- Professional Retraining and Life-Long Learning
- Modeling Systems in Education